184, KG Pudur, Pooluvapatti (po), Tirupur - 641602 095006 67222 apsacademy.info@gmail.com

Fees & Payments

Payment Details:

  • Your child's educational progress is our top priority and in this regard, we expect parents to be responsible by paying school fees on time regularly.
  • The School fee should be paid before the due date.
  • Late payments will result in a fine and possible disenrollment.
  • We regret that non-payment of any fee will result in the disenrollment of your child from the School.
  • Payment of fee in installments will not be accepted.
  • All the receipts should be kept safely for the whole year and brought to the school in the event of any discrepancies in school records.
  • Once remitted, no refund is permissible on any case of the fee.

Fees Description Payment
Materials Fee (Book, Lab, Technology, etc.) April
I Term Fee (For the months June, July, August, and September) May
II Term Fee (For the months October, November, and December - January) September
III Term Fee (For the months January, February and March - April) December

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